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Plaintiff’s Failure to Prosecute Case Results in Dismissal: Court Upholds Decision to Deny Relief from Judgement.

July 1, 2023

In this blog, we delve into a legal tangle where the plaintiff's legal team fumbled the ball, causing the court to slam the door on any further reprieve. Todd McKeague lodged a complaint against three defendants, claiming an alleged flaw in a table saw design that caused his injury. However, the plaintiff's legal team frittered away their chance to comply with the court-approved discovery plan, missing the prescribed deadlines. They also failed to call in an expert witness, which was indispensable to the case.

In contrast, the defendants scurried to fulfill their discovery obligations within the set timelines, while the plaintiff's legal team lagged and made tardy attempts to request an extension without filing the necessary motion. To add to their woes, the plaintiff's legal team missed the deadline to designate any expert witnesses. The defendants saw an opportunity to pounce and filed a motion for summary judgment, citing the absence of expert testimony and the plaintiff's non-compliance with discovery as grounds for dismissal.

The plaintiff's legal team missed the boat again by failing to submit an opposition to the motion for summary judgment, paving the way for the court to grant the defendant's motion and dismiss the case. The plaintiff later sought relief from the judgment, citing excusable neglect. However, the district court rejected the motion, slamming the plaintiff's legal team for their lack of diligence and warning of possible prejudice to the defendants if a retrial was ordered.

On appeal, the district court's decision stood. The appellate court affirmed the district court's decision, noting that the plaintiff's legal team had repeatedly flouted court orders and had not shown due diligence in pursuing the case. The court emphasized that the deadlines set by the court were reasonable, and the plaintiff had ample opportunity to comply. The court also commended the defendants for fulfilling all their obligations and timely filing the motion for summary judgment, which went unanswered by the plaintiff's legal team."

In Conclusion, "Lessons Learned: The Consequences of Failing to Comply with Court Orders and Deadlines in Pursuing Legal Claim”.

The case serves as a cautionary tale for plaintiffs and their attorneys to comply with court orders and to diligently pursue their claims within the deadlines set by the court. Failure to do so can result in significant prejudice and the loss of the opportunity to pursue one's claims.

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